Yuyus Rustandi, Aesha Yusi Mahameru, Langgeng Prima Anggradinata, Hilda Septriani


North Tugu Village is one of the villages located in Cisarua District, Bogor Regency. Based on population data, the majority of residents in North Tugu Village work in agriculture, plantations, and labor. Based on observations that have been made, this village has various potentials. First, this village has public facilities that can be used for various activities, such as community meeting rooms, PAUD, tourist areas, etc. According to the data, if calculated, the public facilities in the village reach 910,000 ha. After the team made observations and interviews, there were five problems that occurred. First, there are 25 citizens who are still illiterate. This activity aims to eradicate illiteracy and difficulty reading in North Tugu Village. The methods used in this activity are action research methods and solutions to community problems. This method is a method that combines research methods and social engineering. Social engineering will be carried out based on research data. As a result, there was an increase in the reading ability of elementary school students in Rawagede Village, namely 14 students who were proficient in reading, 4 students were at the mediocre level, and 5 students were at the same level.



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