Janthy T Hidayat, M.Yogie Syahbandar, Yusi Febriani


Situ Tunggilis is located in Bogor Regency which is administratively located in Tunggilis Village, Siteari Village, Cileungsi District. Situ Tunggilis is one of the wetlands which has an area of 35 hectares, its existence is very important for the survival of the surrounding community, especially as a catchment area, irrigation and fisheries. One of the efforts to use it is to make it a tourist area. In the development of Situ Tunggilis there are problems, including the accessibility of the existing road in the area is not comprehensive, the condition of the lake is dirty, there are garbage and water weeds and the boundary of the lake has changed its function as a built space and the orientation of the buildings around the lake is still facing the back of the lake, causing problems for the quality and quantity of water. there. From the problems and potentials described, this community service activity aims to help Sisari Village, especially to the community in planning the development of the Situ Tunggilis area as a tourism village based on community participation.


Situ Tunggilis; tourist village; society participation


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