Henny Suharyati, Muslim Muslim, Sasongko S Putro, Langgeng Prima Agradinata, Muhammad Reza


In 2020, the Independent Learning-Independent Campus (MBKM) policy was socialized and implemented in various universities to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). This study aims to analyze the knowledge of sources of information and the implementation of MBKM and SDGS policies towards the Faculty of Social and Cultural Sciences (FISIB) of Pakuan University. This study uses quantitative methods with descriptive analysis, based on a survey. The instrument used was a questionnaire with a total sample of 1,053 students from FISIB, Pakuan University. The results of this study indicate that education in Indonesia is still oriented towards producing labor so that things that are socialized in the MBKM program so that MBKM accommodates more pragmatic educational perspectives. Students of FISIB Pakuan University have the perception that MBKM activities can improve technical and non-technical abilities that can be used in the workplace. However, this perception makes FISIB students at Pakuan University tend to choose internships/work practices and student exchanges. Meanwhile, other activities, especially philanthropic activities (building villages, humanitarian projects, independent studies, teaching assistance in education units) are less attractive. Thus, the MBKM program must be able to create a generation that has social awareness. Then, the government and universities can contextualize the SDGs in the socialization of MBKM so that students are oriented towards solving social problems, especially to achieve the SDGs.


Generation Z; Free to Learn; Independent Campus; SDGs


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