Euis Pertiwi, David Rizar Nugroho, Yogaprasta Adi Nugraha


Café is a line of business that provides a place to eat and drink fast food that presents a relaxed or informal atmosphere that provides seating inside and outside. The decline in sales experienced by 245 Coffee in 2021. This is due to increasingly stringent government regulations regarding the implementation of PPKM (Implementation of Restrictions on Community Activities) in order to break the chain of spread of the covid-19 virus which requires cafes or other places to eat not to serve food and drink on the spot. This research is research that uses a descriptive qualitative approach. Qualitative research examines the quality of relationships, activities, situations, or materials with a strong emphasis on overall description in describing the details of everything that happens in a particular activity or situation. Based on the information obtained by researchers when conducting research on 245 Coffee 's marketing communication strategy during the Covid-19 pandemic using 3 marketing communication strategies it can be said that it has been running effectively. This can be seen from the results of a comparison of theories regarding marketing communications according to Kotler and Armstrong with field information and evidence that 245 Coffee able to survive the Covid-19 pandemic and was able to attract consumers and retain old customers.


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