This study is intended to empirically determining the relationship between Strengthening of Learning Organization and Principal Transformational Leadership towards Organizational Citizenship Behavior (OCB). The population in this study were permanent teachers of the Private Junior High Schools foundations accredited A, in Central Bogor Distric, Bogor City. There were 102 teachers who were taken by porpotional random sampling. The method using was correlational method. The hypothesis testing was carried out using parametic statistical analysis in the form of simple and multiple linear, regression analysis, simple and multiple correlation analysis where the significant levels of α = 0,05 and 0,01. This research resulted in four conclutions and followed by the SITOREM analysis stage. Firstly, there was very significant possitive corellation between the Strengthening of the Learning Organization and the OCB. It was indicated by the corellation coefficient ry1=0,522, supported by the regression equation Ŷ = 60,9380+ 0,4019X1 and the determination coefficient r2y=0,2724. Secondly, there was very significant possitive corellation between principal transformational leadership and the OCB. It was indicated by the corellation coefficient ry1=0,493, supported by the regression equation Ŷ = 63,8397 + 0.4146X2, and the determination coefficient r2y=0,2430. Thirdly, there was very significant possitive corellation between both strengthening of Learning Organization and principal transformational leadership towards the OCB. It was indicated by the corellation coefficient ry.12=0,541, supported by the regression equation Ŷ = 54,4963 + 0.2698X1 + 0.1870X2, and the determination coefficient r2y=0,2927. Fourthly, OCB could be improved by strengthening the Learning Organization and principal transformational leadership, both separately or altogether. It can be concluded that OCB can be improved by strengthening Learning Organization and principal transformational leadership. The results of the SITOREM analysis ftgured out that the components of strengthening of learning organization, principal transformational leadership, and OCB were gaining 13 good indicators that they could be maintained, which were: (1) Mental Models, (2) Inspirational Motivation, (3) Intellectual Stimulation, (4) Concientousness, (5).Personal Mastery, (6) Sportmanship, (7) Systemic Thinking, (8) Contingen Reward, (9) Idealized Influence, (10) Courtesy, (11) Teams Learning, (12) Shared Vision, (13) Individualized Consideration. Meanwhile, there were 2 indicators those were still needed to be improved, namely: (1) Altruisme and (2) Civic Virtue,Keywords
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DOI: 10.33751/jmp.v9i2.4233
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