Peningkatan Keinovatifan Guru Melalui Penguatan Kepemimpinan Transformasional dan Efikasi Diri

Fatkhurrohman Dwi Cahyo, Rais Hidayat, Herfina Herfina



This research aims to find efforts that can be made to increase teacher innovativeness by studying its relationship with Transformational Leadership and Self-Efficacy. The population of this study was 170 teachers, with a total sample of 120 Integrated Islamic Elementary School teachers in Cibinong District, whose determination used the Slovin formula with an error tolerance of 5%. Data was collected using instruments in questionnaires and analyzed using descriptive and inferential statistical analysis. The research results show three positive and very significant relationships. First, there is a positive and very significant relationship between the Transformational Leadership variable and Teacher Innovativeness, with a correlation coefficient of 0.818. Second, a positive and very significant relationship exists between Self-Efficacy and Innovativeness, with a correlation coefficient of 0.716. Third, there is a positive and very significant relationship between Transformational Leadership and Self-Efficacy and Teacher Innovativeness with a correlation coefficient of 0.854.


transformational leadership; self-efficacy; teacher innovativeness


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DOI: 10.33751/jmp.v12i1.9938


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