Novi Fajar Utami, Usep Suhendar, Cantika Zaddana


The Community Service Program on efforts to increase catfish productivity was carried out in Bojong Village, Kemang - Bogor. This activity lasted for 4 months. The purpose of this activity is to help catfish farmers to increase the selling value of catfish produced by processing catfish into catfish floss (Abon), packaging the resulting products and marketing them using certain brands. Processing catfish into Abon is expected to improve the economy of catfish farmers because so far, catfish is only sold raw to direct buyers at low prices. In addition, in this activity partners will be assisted in terms of marketing with the hope of improving the welfare of catfish farmers. The activities carried out were counseling on the application of science and technology in the marketing of products produced and processing catfish into Abon catfish, training in Abon production and packaging, marketing technical counseling, and assistance in production and marketing activities. After this activity is carried out, the welfare of catfish farmers in Bojong Village has increased because the catfish produced can be sold in Abon form with certain packages and brands which can increase the shelf life and selling price of the catfish produced so that it can be concluded that this service activity can help Catfish farmers overcome the problems they face so far, namely limited market share, high maintenance costs, and low selling value of catfish.


catfish; community service program; catfish Abon


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DOI: 10.33751/jce.v2i2.2802


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