Soegiyanto Soegiyanto, Setya Rahayu, Tri Nurharsono, Zuhrian Ivan Arvianto, Ricko Irawan


The limited and expensive infrastructure for learning small ball games in schools is one of the reasons teachers have to struggle to develop an easy and inexpensive game model. The empowerment community team then created a game that was easy and inexpensive to use for students learning at school, namely the Tonis game. The purpose of this empowerment community activity is training and socializing the Tonis game for Physical Education Sport & Health (PJOK) teachers. The method used in this study used the lecture method (online and offline), demonstration and training. The results of this service are generally based on the results of monitoring and observation. 90% of the goals have been achieved. PJOK teachers are mostly able to play the Tonis game, have taught their students, and a group has been formed which is coordinated by Group Discussion of Teachers (MGMP) to conduct Tonis training in the district of Semarang. The conclusions of this devotional service are; (1) the enthusiasm of the participants was quite high during the training, (2) the improvement of Tonis playing skills after the participants attended this training. The benefit of this service is that the teacher has a new reference for teaching small ball games for learning. Besides that, Tonis can also be used in the educational curriculum at school.



tonis; game; traditional


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DOI: 10.33751/jce.v5i1.5069


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