Sheila Fauziah Achyar, Ferdisar Adrian, Hari Muharam, Arie Wibowo Irawan


With the economics growth influenced by several industrial sectors in Indonesia, one of the industries with high growth is the food and beverage industry. Bogor has PAD that grows and increases every year which is influenced by the presence of MSME, MSME contribute 70% to PAD in Bogor. And as many as 78% of MSME dominate namely in the culinary field. Then the minister of cooperatives and UKM stated that milk consumption in UKM increased 5% annually, but sales of Neneners decreased. The purpose and objective of this study is to obtain data and information from Neneners regarding matters relating to the issues to be discussed, specifically to find out the causes of the decline in sales in the past two years, find out the market trend, know the level competition, and the right marketing strategies for Neneners. This research was conducted using a descriptive (explorative) qualitative research method in the form of case studies on he analysis of marketing strategies at the Neneners. The method of data collection is done by interviews, direct observation, and secondary data collection from various literature. The result of the Neneners marketing strategy analysis based on the EFE matrix result showed that the strategic factors which were the biggest and mos influential opportunity for Neneners, is the growth rate of North Bogor population were in the second highest position of all sub-districts in Bogor with a weighting score of 0.377. while the factors that become the main threat to watch out for, are the changing tastes of consumers which are a major influence on product purchases of 0.5363. based on the IFE matrix the strength that must be maintained is the strategic location of 0.7392. while the biggest weakness is that the products and raw materials are said to be easily damaged or not durable with a score of 0.2196. based one the IE matrix, Neneners are in the 5th quadrant, namelu hold and maintain. Based on the SWOT matrix, the SO matrix is to penetrate the market by expanding market share. The WO strategy is to improve the effecttivesness of employee performance and maintain and improve the quality of products and raw materials. STs strategy is to make product innovation. The WT strategy is to improve the quality and limitations of human of the Neneners is in a conservative position.


marketing strategy; IE; SWOT; SPACE


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DOI: 10.33751/jce.v3i2.6070


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