Nurmalia Nurmalia, Sri Hartini, Hasrul Hasrul, Nancy Yusnita


The Relationship between Brand Image and Consumer Loyalty of Dua Elang Makmur (Case Study: Sukajaya Village). Thesis of Management Study Program with concentration in Marketing Management, Faculty of Economics and Business, Pakuan University, Bogor. Under the guidance of the chairman of the supervisory committee, Hj. Sri Hartini and member of the supervisory committee, Hasrul. 2021. One of the factors that influence someone to make a purchase of a product is the brand image attached to the product. Brand image is the perception and impression that a person has of a brand and the impression that a person has on a brand as a whole even if they are not directly exposed to the brand. If the brand image is very embedded in the community, consumers will make repeated purchases because they feel satisfaction with a brand, then consumer loyalty will be formed. This study aims to determine the relationship between Brand Image and the loyalty of Dua Elang Makmur in Sukajaya Village. This research was conducted in 2021. The population of this research is the consumers of Dua Elang Makmur who are in the Sukajaya Village area. The sample used in this study was 100, using the sampling method, namely the Slovin formula. The sampling technique used is incidental sampling. Data were collected using a questionnaire that had passed the validity and reliability test. The analytical technique used is linearity test and Spearman rank correlation test. The results showed that there is a fairly strong relationship between the image of the maker (corporate image) and consumer loyalty of Dua Elang Makmur crackers. There is a strong relationship between user image and consumer loyalty of Dua Elang Makmur crackers, there is a strong relationship between product image (product image) with consumer loyalty of Dua Elang Makmur crackers.


image maker; user image; product image; consumer loyalty


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DOI: 10.33751/jce.v3i2.6074


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