Effect Of Service Quality And Price Perception On Customer Satisfaction And Its Impact On Customer Loyalty (Case Study At Po Sudiro Tungga Jaya)

Gigih Andi Laksono, Sufrin Hannan, Yuary Farradia


PO Sudiro Tungga Jaya is one of the inter-city bus transportation companies located at Jl. Raya Solo No. 123 Suratmajan, Maospati, Magetan, East Java. One form of success of a company lies in customer satisfaction and loyalty. There are several factors that influence customer satisfaction and loyalty such as service quality and price perception. The method used is a type of verification research with explanatory survey research methods. The research technique used is a questionnaire. The type of data used is quantitative. The sampling method is nonprobability sampling with purposive / judging sampling method using customers as a sample, namely 100 respondents. The analysis method used is descriptive statistics. The results showed that service quality, price perception and customer satisfaction have an impact on loyalty both directly and indirectly.




service quality; price perception; customer satisfaction; customer loyalty.


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DOI: 10.33751/jhss.v8i2.10715


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