Analysis Giving Credit Business People Post Pandemic Covid-19 On The Increase Of Small And Micro Enterprises Intermediate In Lamongan Regency

Nurus Safa’atillah, Ike Susanti, Masulatun Nisa


In increasing regional economic growth, in Lamongan Regency there are MSME business actors who are considered to have a strategic role in improving the welfare of the people of Lamongan Regency. In the post-Covid-19 pandemic, it is hoped that the provision of People's Business Credit (KUR) can increase MSME businesses in Lamongan Regency. The aim of this research is to analyze the impact of providing people's business credit after the Covid-19 pandemic on increasing MSME businesses in Lamongan Regency. Sequential explanatory model/design combination method (sequence of evidence) The data analysis stages used in this research include Primary Data (To the Lamongan Cooperative Service) and Secondary Data (MSME Questionnaire) with Empirical study methods and offline data collection. The data collection process through observation, questionnaires and interviews with MSMEs who received KUR was carried out from February to June 2023. To analyze the impact of providing people's business credit after the Covid-19 pandemic on increasing MSME businesses in Lamongan Regency


people's business credit; small and medium enterprises; business improvement


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DOI: 10.33751/jhss.v4i3.11198


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