Elly Sukmanasa, Lina Novita, Rifki Abdul Majid


This study aims to determine the effect of learning outcomes and improve learning outcomes of human and environmental sub-themes through instructional video media. The method used is a quasi experiment, carried out on students of class VA and VB SDN Gegerbitung Sukabumi. The analysis technique used is the analysis prerequisite test which includes a normality test, a homogeneity test, then a research hypothesis test is performed using the t test. The results showed that in the normality test both samples were normally distributed because of the L value ≤ Ltable. Then the homogeneity test obtained nilai2 count value of 0.26 ≤ ð‘¥2table 3,841, then: There is an influence of learning outcomes of human and environmental subthemes through instructional video media obtained an average value of N-Gain 61 with completeness of learning outcomes 94.44%, and conventional media obtained an average value of 42 N-Gain with completeness learning outcomes 63.15%. And the results of testing the hypothesis states that H0 is rejected and Ha is accepted because tcount (5.29)> ttable (1.99346). Based on the results of the research above, it can be concluded that there is an influence of the learning outcomes of human and environmental sub-themes through instructional video media.


learning outcomes; sub themes human and environment; media video learning


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DOI: 10.33751/jhss.v3i2.1459


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