The Concept Of Character Education For Technology Vocational School Students Based On Boarding School System

E Supriatna, Didin Saefuddin, Didin Hafidhuddin, lani melani, Siti Qomariyah


Currently, countries in the world place vocational secondary education (SMK) as the supporting economic development to increase national income which can improve the welfare of its people. This is because vocational education is more directed at the link and match program to produce educated personnel who are ready to use to enter various job exchanges in the era of modern industrial technology. However, seeing the phenomenon of juvenile delinquency which is increasing in graphs, the provision of character education is very important in fostering and educating students so that they are not only competent in their fields but also have good character, character and morals. One of the vocational schools that implements character education is SMK Plus Bina Teknik Ibadurrahman YLPI Kota Sukabumi, the education system is generally integral to the education system in Islamic boarding schools. The curriculum implemented in the education process at SMK Plus Bina Teknik Ibadurrahman YLPI Kota Sukabumi uses a combination of the formal education curriculum that is affiliated with the National Education Office, and the Islamic boarding school curriculum, where all educational activities are managed by Islamic boarding schools and are routine in nature. This study used a qualitative research methodology, using data from the population of the SMK students. Besides that, surveys, observations, and interviews were also carried out on related objects. The sampling technique was carried out by purposive sampling. The population in this study were students of class XII SMK Plus Bina Teknik Ibadurrahman YLPI Kota. From the results of the research conducted, it was found that the character education concept applied to SMK Plus Bina Teknik Ibadurrahman YLPI Sukabumi City is quite appropriate. This is evident from the process of implementing character values carried out by students at SMK Plus Bina Teknik Ibadurrahman YLPI City of Sukabumi and the implementation of the character education curriculum implemented at the SMK.


concept and implementation; character education; vocational high schools; Islamic boarding schools


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DOI: 10.33751/jhss.v7i1.7235


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