Implementation of Modernization of Islamic Education Curriculum in MTs Al Washliyah Padang Matinggi Rantauprapat

Fauzi Ahmad Syawaluddin, Syahrul Budiman, Muhammad Sanusi, Ahmad Muammar Khairi


This study aims to describe qualitatively the portrait of children's education in the perspective of the Banjar tribal fishing community in Karang Anyar Village, this phenomenon is very interesting and important to study scientifically. The methods used in this research are observation, interview and documentation methods. The data analysis techniques used are data reduction, data display and data verification. This is dominated by parents who have misconceptions (misunderstanding) with education who think that there is no point in sending their children to school because it only adds to the economic burden and they are simply given education at home so that it is better for these children to help their parents earn a living at home. sea because of going to school in the end to get a degree and earn an income. This is what makes the level of education of children in this region is very minimal. The factors causing the lack of children's education in this village are the lack of parental participation in education, economic conditions and environmental influences that are too urgent and the children's income too early, the crisis of solidarity, the relatively high pessimistic attitude of the community, the lack of cooperation between teachers, parents, community leaders, and religious leaders.


education of the child; public perception; Banjar ethnic.


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DOI: 10.33751/jhss.v7i1.7470


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