Business Development And Management Strategy For The Commercial Housing Industry, (Case Study On Kunara Land Group Housing Griya Sartika)
This study aims to explain how the external and internal environment affects the business and the right property management and business development strategy for the Kunara Land Group so that it can continue to survive and develop. This research was conducted at Kunara Land Group – Griya Sartika Housing, which is located in Dayeuh Luhur Village, Warudoyong District, Sukabumi City. Ownership of this location is done intentionally (purposively) with the consideration that Kunara Land Group is one of the developers (Developer) that has been established since 2018 and is also a local developer located in Sukabumi City, which currently has many big competitors from local developers and developers. Outside. In addition, the author is the Kunara Land Group owner who researches the business entity he owns. The results of this study indicate that to deal with external threats, one must immediately implement an aggressive strategy, namely trying to improve internal conditions and weaknesses and overcoming external threats by utilizing several internal strengths and external opportunities.
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DOI: 10.33751/jhss.v7i2.7536
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