Utilization of Local Microorganisms from Vegetable Waste in The Composting Process

Suwatanti Suwatanti


The purpose of this research are to know the daily environmental factor fluctuation in the composting process using vegetable waste local microorganism, the compost’s physical quality based on respondent’s evaluation and compost’s chemical quality based on laboratory analysis. This research was conducted for 4 weeks, consisted of two treatments, which were composting using vegetable waste MOL bioactivator and EM4 bioactivator. The data taken including the daily environmental factor fluctatuion during the process, physical quality (colour, smell and texture), and chemical quality (water level, pH, C/N ratio, P2O5 and K2O) after the compost was processed. The data were analysed descriptively. The result of the research showed that the compost’s daily environmental factor fluctuation with vegetable waste MOL and EM4 showed a relatively similar result. Each compost’s physical quality based on respondent’s evaluation give a result with score 30 in aspect of colour, smell and texture. This research conclude that the physical quality of both treatment showed blackish colour, smell like soil and smooth texture according to SNI 19-7030-2004 criteria. However, the C/N ratio of compost using vegetable waste was better than the EM4 compost


vegetable waste local microorganism ; compost; C/N ratio


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DOI: 10.33751/jsi.v6i2.10625


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