Implementation of EDAS Method in the Selection of the Best Students with ROC Weighting

Dedi Darwis, Heni Sulistiani, Dyah Ayu Megawaty, Setiawansyah Setiawansyah, Intan Agustina


This study aims to provide recommendations for the best students to be selected using the EDAS method and ROC weighting, so as to help schools in decision making. The EDAS method requires a lot of input, and preference must be precise in the determination of the weight of the criteria. To fix the problem of weighting criteria in the EDAS method, the Centroid Rank Order (ROC) method is used. ROC is a simple method used to assign weight values to each criterion used. The results of this study provide recommendations for the best students to be selected using the EDAS method and ROC weighting, so as to help schools in decision making. The application of the EDAS method in the selection of exemplary student candidates resulted in exemplary prospective students obtained on behalf of Hadi Santoso with a final score of 0.70885 and obtained 1st rank. The results of these recommendations can help the school determine the selection of the best students by applying the EDAS method and ROC weighting.


Decision Making; EDAS; ROC; Student; Weighting


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