Digital Leadership of School Principals in Indonesia: Strategic Interventions Needed

Rais Hidayat, Yuyun Elizabeth Patras


This study aims to explore the digital leadership of school principals in terms of measurement and leadership characteristics that are difficult to realize in schools. The research method uses a mixed research approach: quantitative followed by qualitative. Quantitative data was obtained through instruments filled in by teachers with a total of 623 respondents in Indonesia. The instrument before deployment has been confirmed to meet the test of readability and validity of the content. Quantitative data analysis using the Rasch Model. Qualitative data were obtained through in-depth interviews with ten respondents to deepen the essential findings of quantitative data. The results of this study show that the research instrument has been able to measure precisely and reliably the digital leadership of school principals. Three characteristics of digital leadership are challenges to be realized: digital competitive intelligence, digital communication, and digital resilience. Strategic interventions such as those proposed in this study are needed to improve the digital leadership of school principals.


Digital communication; Digital competitive intelligence; Digital leadership


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