Feminism in Education Management

Zetty Karyati


In this day and age, when life becomes increasing difficult, it is unavoidable to encourage women to participate in helping the welfare of the family. It needs positive attention and support. The role of women who have the urge to work in Indonesia as a country that is predominantly Muslim at this time can no longer be judged solely as an excuse to seek freedom, but as a noble endeavor of a servant of Allah who can raise the dignity of himself and his family. The role of women who are often demeaned is what drives the emergence of the feminism movement. Feminism is a women's movement that demands emancipation or equality and justice for equal rights with men. This study aims to obtain an overview of the progress of feminism in education management in Indonesia. This study uses a qualitative descriptive approach, with a literature study method. Qualitative descriptive research approach is research that is used for the purpose of providing a qualitative description of the phenomenon or event being studied. Research with the library method is a theoretical study, references, and other scientific literature related to the culture, values, and norms that develop in the social situation under study. From this study it was found that there are still gaps between women and men, both in terms of education and in terms of occupying job positions in education management. In other words, feminism still needs a long process to be said to be successful in achieving its goals


Feminism; Management; Education


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DOI: 10.55215/pedagonal.v6i1.4973 Abstract views : 182 views : 213


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