tatang muhajang, Siti Fatimah



The method used in this research is a qualitative case study with qualitative approach. In obtaining justifiable data, researchers directly interact on the learning process and observe the implementation of learning. Data collection and data recording procedures are done through observation, interview and documentation. The validity of data used is credibility, transferability, dependability, and conformability. Data analysis used is descriptive qualitative. The purpose of this study is to describe the findings about the Learning Style used by Outstanding Street Children in PKBM Bina Insan Mandiri or often called MASTER School Depok City. Subjects in this study are one of the street students (tissue seller) with high achievers, teachers and students parents. The results showed that the Learning Style of Outstanding Street Children showed the combination of the three learning styles, but more dominantly the auditorial learning style that relies on the sense of hearing in the learning process. Such as: a. Easy to learn by listening, b. In teaching and learning activities students easily distracted if the class is not conducive, c. Students speak fluently, d. Like to tell stories, e. Fond of listening to stories, f. Glad to discuss, g. Fond of listening to music, h. Talking with rhythm. The result of the learning style of street students’ achievement can be known that by using auditorial learning style or relying on the sense of hearing street students achieving more understanding what is conveyed by the teacher on the learning process especially in the activities of storytelling. Based on the results of the research above it can be concluded that street students have an achievement of auditorial learning style that relies on the sense of hearing.

Keywords: Learning Style of Street Children, Learning Achievement.



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