Esti Munawaroh, Y. Purwanto Y. Purwanto




Climate change has had an impact on the lives of people in various regions, including the Wakatobi community. Wakatobi is a small archipelago dominated by the sea and only 3% is land. Wakatobi is located in the center of the world's coral triangle area so that it has a high biodiversity in the form of 590 species of fish and 396 types of coral reefs. But this area has a high level of vulnerability to changes in climate element variables that can cause harm to people's lives and environmental damage. This study aims to determine the perceptions, conceptions and strategies of adaptation of local communities in Wakatobi to changes in variables and climate events that occur. The trick is to compare local knowledge data with scientific knowledge data relating to the influence of changes in climatic variables in managing living natural resources. Data collection was carried out by means of FGDs. Based on the results of the analysis shows that local knowledge, assessment of local needs and  interests  can provide practical  insight  for the development  and preparation  of  adaptation strategies that are suitable for natural resource management in the region.


Keywords: Adaptation strategy, natural resource management, local knowledge, Wakatobi



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