Widya Nur Aini Hammami, Indri Yani, Bibin Rubini




Objective of research is to know the correlation between knowledge of waste management and  environmental  friendly  behavior.  This research  was  completed  in  March-September 2018. Population of research to students of senior high school in Kabupaten Bogor in the academic year

2018/2019. The sample were taken by using Multistage Random Sampling Technique with the total sample  of  88  students.  The  quantitative  research  data  was  taken  by  survey  for  the  waste management knowledge and questioner with rating scale for the environmentally friendly behavior. The hypothesis data testing used correlation test with Product Moment Pearson formula by using SPSS. The result showed that there was a significant positive correlation between knowledge of waste management with environmental friendly behavior. Therefore, the enhancement of the waste management knowledge was able to improve students environmentally friendly behavior in the school or in the surrounding.


Keywords : The Waste Management Knowledge, Environmentally Friendly Behavior



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