Big Five Personality and Work-Family Conflict in Samawa Tribe Women With Dual Roles

Salsa Cheryl Srituka, Arthur Huwae


The development of the times brings various changes in life. The changes that occur are the role of humans in the social, work and educational environment. One of the phenomena that is in the spotlight is that married women carry out dual roles as is found in Samawa women. If you cannot carry out one of the roles, it can result in work family conflict. One of the factors that is related to work family conflict is the big five personality. Therefore, research was conducted which aimed to determine the relationship between the big five personalities and work family conflict. This research uses quantitative methods with non-probability snowball sampling techniques. Participants in this research were 84 Samawa women who carried out multiple roles. The measuring instruments used are the Big Five Inventory and Work Family Conflict Scale. The results of the research show that the neuroticism personality type (r=0.295 and p<0.05) has a significant positive relationship with work-family conflict, agreeableness (r= -0.267 and p<0.05) and conscientiousness (r= -0.221 and p<0.05) has a negative relationship with work family conflict. Meanwhile, extraversion personality types (r= -0.167 and p<0.05) and openness to experience (r= 0.101 and p<0.05) have no relationship with work family conflict. Therefore, it is hoped that Samawa women can develop a positive personality according to the study of the big five personality theory, so that they can minimize work-family conflict by developing a more positive personality in carrying out every responsibility they have both in work and family.


big five personality; work-family conflict; dual roles; Samawa Ethnic Group


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