Sekolah Penggerak and Guru Penggerak Evaluation Policy as Pioneers of Changes in The Education System in The New Paradigm Curriculum

Lisa chandrasari Desianti, Tati Rahayuningsih


To accelerate the improvement of the performance quality of public/private schools in Indonesia, the Ministry of Education and Culture has launched the Sekolah Penggerak†and Guru Penggerak†programs which are improvements to the school transformation program. The purpose of this study is to review and evaluated the Sekolah Penggerak†and Guru Penggerak†programs in Indonesia launched in 2021. The paper attempts to answer the following research questions: (1) has the Sekolah Penggerak†and Guru Penggerak†been running as expected? (2) What things need to be done in improving the effectiveness of Sekolah Penggerak†and Guru Penggerak†in Indonesia?  This research method is carried out with an evaluation research and desk study approach by reviewing policy objectives rolled out by the Indonesian government through the curriculum "Merdeka Belajar" compared to current conditions.  The results of the desk study and evaluation show that there are at least 7 (seven) aspects that constitute curriculum changes in this program, namely (1) The profile of Pancasila students; (2) Changes in KI and KD to CP (Learning Outcomes); (3) Learning system with thematic approach; (4) The new paradigm curriculum; (5) Collaborative learning model; (6) Informatics subjects; (7) Combining science and social studies subjects. Further research is needed to see the impact and effectiveness of the achievement of the Sekolah Penggerak†and Guru Penggerak†in a quantitative method within the next 2 years.


Sekolah Penggerak; Guru Penggerak


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DOI: 10.55215/pedagonal.v6i1.4936 Abstract views : 1418 views : 1214


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