The Relationship of Peer Conformity and Self-Regulation with Academic Procrastination on College Students who are Preparing a Thesis

Mochammad Reza Faozi, Muslikah Muslikah


Postponement or procrastination among students is often caused by a low level of individual self-regulation and also by the conformity of others or the environment, which can encourage the creation of academic procrastination. This study aims to determine the correlation between peer conformity and self-regulation with academic procrastination in students while compiling a thesis in the Department of Guidance and Counseling, Semarang State University, both jointly and partially. This research was conducted using correlational quantitative research methods. The population of this study is students of the Department of Guidance and Counseling, Semarang State University, who are compiling a thesis, namely the Class of 2016, 2017, and 2018. The sample used was 127 students out of 195 students using proportionate stratified random sampling. The data collection tools used are the academic procrastination scale, the peer conformity scale, and the self-regulation scale. Furthermore, the data analysis technique used is a double regression analysis technique with the help of SPSS applications. The findings revealed a positive relationship between peer conformity and academic procrastination, as well as a negative relationship between self-regulation and academic procrastination. Then there is a significant relationship between peer conformity and self-regulation with academic procrastination. Between peer conformity and self-regulation together, they have an effective contribution of 60.6 percent to academic procrastination.


Academic Procrastination; Peer Conformitiy; Self-Regulation


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