
Perubahan: Change in the Journal Template

In order to revitalize the Journal FJIF (FITOFARMAKA: Jurnal Ilmiah Farmasi), there is a change in the Journal Template starting Volume 14 Number 1 June 2024. The Journal template format can be downloaded via the following link:

Template Jurnal FJIF

Posted: 2024-05-10

Information: Messages from Our New Editor in Chief

First of all, We would like to thank Dr. Bina Lohita Sari, M.Pd., M.Farm. for her service as the Editor in Chief of this journal until August 2023. She stepped down this chair after 12 years successful leadership. During her leadership, she successfully improved the quality of the publications as well as the journal management system. Being SINTA-3 accredited by the Indonesian government was achieved during her service.

Last but not least, we are calling for article to be published in Fitofarmaka: Jurnal Ilmiah Farmasi. We plan to set a system that could provide first editorial decision as soon as possible. We hope you enjoy and happy publishing your works with us.

Thank you very much.

Sincerely yours,
Dr. apt. Euis Nining, M.Si.

Posted: 2023-08-07

Information: Author Guidelines

All manuscripts must be submitted to FJIF Editorial Office using Online Submission Service at the following URL address: Online Submission, where Author should register first as Author role.

Start from February 2022, The manuscript should be prepared according to the following author guidelines in the MS Word (doc.; docx; rtf) article template format in English language.

All Authors must signed Statement of Originality. Statement of Orignality should be Uploaded as a Supplementary file.

For further information, please read Author Guidelines.

Failure to follow instructions, your manuscript will be rejected.

Posted: 2021-04-23
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