Tiara Skilla Amelia, Hagni Wijayanti, Ani Andriyati


Determining distribution routes to serve customers is one of the important problems in a goods distribution company. PT. Sayuran Siap Saji is a company that produces and distributes fresh vegetables to various places, especially Jakarta, Bogor, Tangerang, and Bekasi. The Vehicle Routing Problem (VRP) model is a mathematical model that can solve the problem of distributing goods in a transportation system to find travel routes with a minimum travel distance. One approach to solving the VRP model is goal programming which is used in optimization problems with many objectives. This research aims to find the optimal distribution route. The data used is customer address data and customer request data from 2 to 7 August 2021. The results obtained by using the VRP model with a goal programming approach can find optimal distribution routes, showing a reduction in travel distance (7.91%), time travel (11.56%), and travel costs (8.72%) compared to the company's distribution route.


distribution, goal programming, optimal routes, vehicle routing problems


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