Muhammad Reza Febriansyah, Sri Setyaningsih, Yasmin Erika Faridhan


Inventories are goods that are stored for later use or sale at certain times. Inventory control is needed to prevent excess and shortage of inventory. One method that can be used in inventory control is lot sizing. This research was conducted at PT. Fastrata Buana, is a business unit of the Kapal Api Group which is engaged in the distribution of food and beverages. The purpose of this research is to optimize the cost of inventory control at PT. Fastrata Buana to generate minimum costs. There are three lot sizing methods used, namely Lot For Lot (LFL), Economic Order Quantity (EOQ), and Period Order Quantity (POQ). The data used are consumer demand data, product prices, lead time data, along with storage costs and ordering costs at PT. Fastrata Buana 2021 for coffee products in five sachets, namely ABC Susu, Good Day Cappuccino, Good Day Mocacinno, Kapal Api Original, and Kapal Api Mix. From the results of the analysis, it is known that the Lot generates the minimum inventory control costs For Lot (LFL) method. With this method, the cost of procuring five coffee sachets per year is Rp.,-. The cost of inventory in the same time period for the five coffee products using the EOQ method is Rp. 2,389,343,650, -, while the POQ method obtained the inventory cost of Rp. 1,767,479,080,-.


Inventory, Lot Sizing, LFL, EOQ, POQ


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DOI: 10.33751/interval.v4i1.10844 Abstract views : 95 views : 137


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