Ridwan Gunawan, Hagni Wijayanti


At this time computers and the Internet has become our daily needs, If the computer or the Internet network is disrupted, then it will interfere with our daily productivity. Usually computers and Internet will be disrupted if attacked by a virus, it can anticipate the computer's interference so as not to happen mass destruction on the computer or barriers to our daily productivity, we need to know the pattern of the spread of the Internet virus. Mathematical modelling can be one method to know the pattern of the spread of computer virus, so that if there is increasing the spread can be minimized. The models used in this study are VEISV models with Quarantine and Vaccination Enhancement. From the model get a reproduction number. Based on stability analysis of fixed point with criterion of Routh-Hurtwitz obtained first fixed point and second fixed point, then done arrangement of syntax to know rate of spread of computer virus. From the analysis results obtained the pattern of the spread of computer virus on virus free condition and virus infected.

Keywords: Computer Virus, Quarantine and Vaccination, VEISV.


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