Widya Catur Utami, Rini Marwati, Sumanang Muhtar Gozali


One of the most commonly used communication tools is e-mail. Messages sent via e-mail can contain confidential information, security measures are needed for confidential messages sent via e-mail. Cryptography is one of the security measures that can be taken.  Based on the types of keys, there are two types of cryptography namely symmetric and asymmetric. Symmetric cryptography uses the same key in the encryption and decryption process, while asymmetric cryptography uses different keys. Symmetric keys can be encrypted by asymmetric keys to make the transmission of secret keys more secure. The symmetric and asymmetric cryptography chosen are AES (Advanced Encryption Standard) and enhanced RSA (Rivest Shamir Adleman). RSA cryptography is known for its strong security based on the difficulty of exponential and factorization operations, while AES cryptography is a secure cryptography standard that has a relatively fast computation time. An e-mail application to send secret messages using combined cryptography algorithm constructed using Python programming language.


cryptography, rsa, advanced encryption standard, e-mail


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