Editorial Policies
Focus and Scope
Journal of Biology Education Research (JBER) publishes original research or theoretical papers, literature review on new knowledge of research, and research application that emphasize issues germane to Biology and Biology Education. Special emphasis is placed on research relevant to Biology Education (including: curriculum of Biology, learning media, learning model, STEM, local wisdom-based learning, teacher professional development, etc), Environmental Education (including: environmental issue, environmental behavior theory, environmental behavior change, waste management, etc), Applied Biology (including: animal physiology, plant physiology, genetic engineering, microbiology,ecology, etc).
Section Policies
Open Submissions
Peer Reviewed
Peer Review Process
The article submitted to Journal of Biology Education Research (JBER) should be written in English. The article will then be evaluated by the Editorial Team. The editor will notify authors about acceptance, rejection, or need for revision within 4-5 weeks of receipt. JBER will reject articles that are written in inappropriate format, not in line with the journals scope, does not meet the ethical standards (i.e. plagiarism, false authorship), does not meet the required quality, or if the author ignores correspondence within three months. If accepted, the article will be peer-reviewed by at least two reviewers, selected for their competence in the subject area of the article. The journal uses double-blind review process, where the identity of authors and reviewers are hidden. After review, the article will be returned to authors for revision. Authors should revise their article and re-submit within 1 week. Final decision of articles acceptance will be made by Editors according to Reviewers comments. The Galley proofs (pdf format) for an accepted article will be sent by email to the corresponding author for final checking and correction of typographical errors. The final manuscript of the article should be returned within 2 weeks. Finally, the accepted article will be published online in a chronological order in May and November.
Publication Frequency
Journal of Biology Education Research (JBER) publishes twice a year in May and November. It will be published by Universitas Pakuan.
Open Access Policy
The journal does not charge readers or their institution for access. Readers are permitted to read, download, copy, distribute, print, search, or link to the full text of paper, as long as it is not used for commercial purposes.
Journal of Biology Education Research (JBER)
Journal of Biology Education Research (JBER) provides an opportunity to share detailed insights from different understandings and practices associated with Biology. JBER is run by Biology Education Departement of FKIP, Pakuan University. This is an open access journal that publishes research papers majoring Biology Education, Environmental Education, and all aspects of Biology. It publishes twice a year in May and November. First published, volume 1 issue 1, was in November 2020. The articles submitted to JBER will be double blind-reviewed by reviewers. The accepted article will be online published. e-ISSN: 2774-7859
Journal of Biology Education Research; JBER; Applied Biology; Biology Education; EnvironmentalÂ