Zulvan Mahrijal, Amar Sumarsa, Maya Widyastiti


Subject scheduling must be done optimally because it is very important in carrying out learning and teaching activities. Subject scheduling at Al-Hikmah High School is currently made manually by the curriculum, this method will be less than optimal, because it takes quite a long time, resulting in subject schedules that conflict with each other. Manual scheduling is difficult because it must meet all constraints related to Al-Hikmah High School regulations. Therefore, good subject scheduling is needed so that all constraints can be met, in this case, the Integer Linear Programming (ILP) method can be used as a solution to the subject scheduling problem. The Integer Linear Programming method is used in optimization problems with many objectives. The research objective to be achieved in this research is to compile and obtain optimal subject scheduling by minimizing the total subject weight using the Integer Linear Programming method. The subject scheduling problem at Al-Hikmah High School is related to teachers, subjects, days, classes and session times. Scheduling for this subject is completed using the Integer Linear Programming method and assisted by Lingo 11.0 software. The results of subject scheduling obtained using the Integer Linear Programming method are more optimal than scheduling made manually because it meets all the constraints or rules that exist at Al-Hikmah High School by minimizing the total weight of subjects, so that better subject scheduling is obtained.


Course Scheduling, Integer Linear Programming, Weights.


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DOI: 10.33751/interval.v4i1.10842 Abstract views : 201 views : 154


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