Taufik Malikul Ikhsan, Ani Andriyati, Maya Widyastiti


Saung Uwo and Sambel Mimih Restaurants are in conditions of tight competition, where one of these restaurants could experience a decrease in the number of consumers and cause quite large losses. Therefore, these two restaurants need an optimal marketing strategy to predict the worst possibilities in competitive conditions. Game theory can be used to analyze optimal marketing strategies. Game theory is used to determine the best marketing strategy based on the game value of a game. Primary data through questionnaires distributed to 100 respondents was used as material for analyzing optimal marketing strategies using game theory with 5 marketing strategies, including price, promotion, food menu, taste, and service strategies. Based on this research, it can be concluded that the optimal marketing strategy for Saung Uwo Restaurant to increase profits is a food menu strategy with a probability of profit of 33% and a taste strategy with a probability of profit of 67%, while the optimal strategy for Rumah Makan Sambel Mimih to reduce losses is a pricing strategy with a probability of 67% and a promotion strategy with a probability obtained to minimize losses of 33%. The value of the game obtained was 3.33, which means that Saung Uwo Restaurant received an increase in profits from 2 to 3.33 and Sambel Mimih Restaurant was able to reduce losses from 6 to 3.33.


Competition, Game Theory, Optimization, Strategy


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