Mulyana Samsudin, Hagni Wijayanti, Sri Setyaningsih


Aqua is a brand of bottled drinking water produced by PT Aqua Golden Mississippi Tbk. The products produced by PT Aqua Golden Mississippi Tbk are distributed by PT Tirta Investama Cibinong. PT Tirta Investama Cibinong distributed the 15 stores spread across several areas, the distribution of the 15 existing stores could be done by various routes. In its distribution activities, the company does not yet have an optimal route, so the most optimal route is needed so that the costs incurred are minimum. Ant Colony System Algorithm is a method that aims to find the best path in a distribution problem, based on the behavior of ants. The purpose of this study is to obtain the minimum cost in delivering bottled drinking water to several areas using the Ant Colony System Algorithm so as to meet the demand for mineral water in the area. The data used is shipping costs between stores in 2018. It is certain that the Ant Colony System Algorithm obtains the optimal path from Cibinong Depot, Indomaret Cibedug, Alfamidi Gadog, PT Sumber Alfaria Trijaya TBK, Pujasari, PT Sumber Alfaria Trijaya, Lion Superindo Town Square, TipTop Depok, Indomaret Happiness Raya, Lion Superindo Depok, Lion Superindo Cibubur, DC Starmart, Pajajaran gas station, Circle K Sudirman Bogor, Wholesale Lotte Bogor and finally back to Depo Cibinong with shipping costs of Rp. 244,420.


Keywords: Ants, Ant Colony System, Traveling Salesman Problem


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DOI: 10.33751/interval.v1i2.4554 Abstract views : 458 views : 149


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