Irna Octariani, Fitria Virgantari, Hagni Wijayanti


This research was conducted to analyze the quality control of furniture products in PT. Hadinata Brothers, to find the cause of product quality that did not match specifications, the causative factors of significant defective products, to find an optimal combination of settings and minimized defective products in order to maintain good quality using the Taguchi Method. The data used in this study is data on defective products in PT. Hadinata Brothers. Furthermore, the data is processed using several methods including pareto diagram, causal diagram (fishbone), Taguchi Method, Analysis of Variance (ANOVA). From the results of the analysis, the control of defective products 36.4% was outside the lower limit of control and 85.7% was outside the upper limit of control with the limits of control CL = 0.0572, UCL = 0.0818, LCL = 0. The highest percentage of defects is handling, which is 59.5%, the second order is assembly, which is 23.3%, and the third is finishing, which is 17.2%. Factors that significantly affect the quality of products based on the results of ANOVA calculations are factor A (handling raw materials) and factor B (type of wood) because Fcalc > F-table which are 6.2178 > 2, 37 and 2.3895 > 2.37.


Keywords: quality control, Taguchi Method, defective products, causative factors defect, pareto diagram, fishbone, ANOVA


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DOI: 10.33751/interval.v1i2.4556 Abstract views : 1539 views : 1400


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