Muhamad Harpan Akbar, Sri Setyaningsih, Fitria Virgantari


This study aims to find the best combination of treatment in producing maggot from waste processing combined with dry leaves. The data used is primary data based on a combination of processing household waste and dry leaves by observing the amount of maggot production resulting from 5 treatments and 4 replications. The design used was Completely Randomized Design (CRD). The treatments applied to the shelter that accommodates 10 liters are as follows: Treatment A. household waste 90% dry leaves 10%; Treatment B. household waste 80% dry leaves 20%; Treatment C. household waste 70% dry leaves 30%; Treatment D. household waste 60% dry leaves 40%; Treatment E. household waste 50% dry leaves 50%. The results of the Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) test and further testing with BNJ showed that there were significant differences in the five treatments in producing maggot production. The material that gave the best results in maggot cultivation was found in treatment C with a combination of 70% household waste and 30% dry leaves resulting in the highest average maggot production of 761.25 grams.


waste Management, maggot production, completely randomized design, analysis of variance, honest real difference


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DOI: 10.33751/interval.v2i1.5164 Abstract views : 1762 views : 3668


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