The Symbolic Interaction Among Gamers Within The Online Gaming Community Of PUBG Mobile 88 E-Sport

Sri Wahyuning Astuti, Muhammad Habib Maulana


The 88 E-Sport community is a collective within the realm of the online game PUBG Mobile, where interactions initially unfold in the virtual sphere. These interactions forge a level of trust that is sometimes challenging to attain through face-to-face encounters in real life. The purpose of this study is to comprehend how symbols are employed in the interactions among players within this community, aiming to construct the self-concept of members intertwined with the trust embedded in friendships that originate from engagements in online gaming. The research methodology employed is qualitative, utilizing George H. Mead's concept of symbolic interactionism, which pertains to thoughts, self-concepts, and social environments. Information is gathered through observations, interviews, and document analysis.The findings of the research illustrate that interpersonal relationships within this community are molded through informal interactions. Symbolic exchanges transpire through both verbal and nonverbal expressions, occurring in both the online and real-world contexts. Consequently, community members grasp shared meanings and perceptions. The dynamics of these interactions impact members' self-views, initially viewing online gaming friendships merely as discussions centered around the game but evolving into a perspective that acknowledges the value of online gaming friendships on par with traditional friendships, bonds of brotherhood, and a familial atmosphere.


online gaming; symbolic interactionism; community groups; self-identity


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DOI: 10.33751/jhss.v8i2.9463


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