Grammatical Relations in Batak Simalungun Language: A Typological Study of Accusative and Ergative

Agung Olaf Ridho Rambe, Mulyadi Mulyadi


This study examines the grammatical relations in the Batak Simalungun language through a linguistic typology approach, focusing on the comparison between accusative and ergative systems. Batak Simalungun, as one of the regional languages in Indonesia, exhibits unique and complex grammatical characteristics. The study aims to identify and analyze the existing patterns of grammatical relations and determine whether this language tends to follow an accusative or ergative pattern in its sentence structure. The research methods include data collection from native sources, morphosyntactic analysis, and comparison with other languages that have similar grammatical structures. The results indicate that Batak Simalungun features variability in the use of accusative and ergative patterns, depending on the sentence context and the type of verb used. These findings contribute significantly to the understanding of linguistic typology of Indonesian languages and enrich theoretical studies on accusative and ergative grammatical systems.


batak simalungun; grammatical relations; accusative; ergative; linguistic typology


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DOI: 10.33751/jhss.v8i2.9919


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