The Role Of The Industrial Sector In The Sei Mangkei Area In Promoting Increased Investment And Trade In North Sumatra

Jannes Maharaja, M. Syafii


This research aims to examine the role of the industrial sector in the Sei Mangkei Region in increasing investment and trade in North Sumatra. The Sei Mangkei Industrial Area is one of the largest and most integrated industrial areas in Indonesia, covering an area of around 2000 hectares and is designed to support various industrial sectors. Using a qualitative approach, this research collected data through interviews with stakeholders and secondary data from official reports and academic publications. The results of the analysis show that Sei Mangkei has attracted significant investment, both domestic and foreign, with total investment reaching more than USD 1.5 billion by 2023. This area is the main locomotive in attracting investment, especially in the palm oil, rubber and industrial sectors. other downstream. Apart from that, this area also has a positive impact on the regional economy, by creating jobs for more than 10,000 workers and contributing to increasing regional income. However, the success of this industrial area is also faced with several challenges, such as adequate environmental management, distribution of economic benefits, and regulatory complexity. Therefore, strategic steps are needed to maximize the benefits of this industrial area, including improving environmental management, strengthening infrastructure, and simplifying regulations.



Sei Mangkei; industry; investment; trade; North Sumatra


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DOI: 10.33751/jhss.v8i2.9969


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