Author Guidelines

PAJOUL (Pakuan Justice Journal Of Law) is a journal in the field of law owned by the Law Study Program at the Postgraduate School of Pakuan University, Bogor. Articles in PAJOUL are published periodically, in January-June and July-December. We accept conceptual articles or research reports that have not been previously published in other publications with the following conditions:

The conceptual paper or research report is included in the category of legal studies. They can be written in Indonesian or English in the range of 20-25 pages. The paper size is A4 with 2 cm top and left margins, and 2 cm bottom and right margins. The required font is Times New Roman with 12 sizes, and 1.5 spaces. Manuscripts titled in Indonesian must be a maximum of 12 words, while English titles must be 10 words. This must include abstracts and keywords in English (digest and keywords in Indonesian). Abstract or digest contains 50 to 100 words. Keywords or keywords consist of 3 to 5 words or phrases.

The systematic structure of the research report must include Title, Author's name, Abstract (in English) or Digest (in Indonesian), Keywords, research background (with Research Questions), Research Methods, Research Results and Analysis, Conclusions and References.

The systematic structure of conceptual papers must include: Title, Author's name, Abstract (in English) or Digest (in Indonesian), Keywords, Introduction, Discussion (immediately presented in a post based on the things discussed), Conclusions and References.

The writing style in PAJOUL Law refers to the regulations of the Ministry of Education and Culture No. 50 of 2015 concerning General Guidelines for Improved Indonesian Spelling. The relevant writing terms applied in journal PAJOUL are as follows:

  • When referring to Article, the first letter of the word ‘article’ shall be written in uppercase.
  • When referring to Clause, the first letter of the word ‘clause’ shall be written in lower case and the number is in brackets.
  • When there is an omission in a direct quotation of a phrase, paragraph, or an article formulation, please indicate the aforementioned omission with ellipsis inserted within a square brackets […].
  • The abbreviation of regulations is given to the author’s writing style and shall be consistently used throughout the manuscript. The recommended form is “UU No. 1 Tahun 1950”.
  • When an author or editor is more than 1 person, please list the first person followed by et al.
  • It is recommended that the author avoids the enumerative method of description.
  • The References shall include the most updated references and it is highly recommended to be referred from a journal (minimum 50% of all the references are journal).
  • It is highly imperative for the author not to commit self-citation.
  • The academic degree shall not be written either in the Bibliography or the footnote.
  • The writing of quotation uses a footnote model. The writing style follows the provisions in Bibliography, but the writing of the author’s name is not reversed. The writing of the page is abbreviated into “p.”.

The writing of references based on Chicago Style which is modified by Journal PAJOUL. It is highly recommended for the authors to download references manager through the link: