Yetti Hunsul Hayati, Gracia Sekartaji


This study is about the Effect of Product Quality, Customer Satisfaction and Influence Effect of product
quality to customer satisfaction conducted on Eating Duck and Chicken Fry Pak Nduts Restaurant. The
analytical method used is quantitative statistics. The analysis of the data used is Analysis Correlation
Coefficient. Research results revealed the fact that the product quality affects customer satisfaction, it can
be seen in the table Correlation obtained for rxy 0710, and the value r tabel on 398 df is 0.098. it means
there is a positive relationship between the products to customer satisfaction at home eating duck and
chicken fried Pak Ndut Solo. Based on the index level of customer satisfaction can be seen that the
average Tki is 100.1%, which means that consumers are satisfied with the quality of existing products at
home eating duck and chicken fried Pak Ndut Solo. When viewed by test f and t, f test states that the value
of F count> F table that is 89.621> 1.96 by t-test and stated that t has a value greater than the value t
table is 1.966> 0.05, which means There is a significant relationship between the independent variables,
Quality Products from duck and chicken fried Pak NdutS restaurant with Consumer Satisfaction.


Product quality; consumer satisfaction


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DOI: 10.34203/jimfe.v1i1.455


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