Analisis Karakteristik Pengunjung dan Tingkat Hunian Kamar di Papyrus Tropical Hotel, Bogor (Analysis Characteristic of Visitors and Occupancy Rates in Papyrus Tropical Hotel, Bogor)

Aditya Prima Yudha


Room occupancy rate indicates the volume of
guests at the hotel in a period. Room occupancy
rate is the main parameter to see the success of
a service hospitality. The goal of this research is
to analyse characteristics of visitors and the
development level of occupancy rooms in the
Papyrus Tropical Hotel, making forecasting
occupancy rates for next one year (short term),
and analyze the profitability of Papyrus Tropical
Hotel. Analysis of attitudes of visitors on this
research using model multiatribut Fishbein and
the methods of forecasting, was used single
exponential smoothing and double exponential
smoothing. The results shown that overall
visitors have very positive attitudes towards
Papyrus Tropical hotel with a total score of
Fishbein 142,37. Forecasting results for room
occupancy rate percentages, in 2012 is 47,94
percent This result has an increase 5.12 percent
from 2011 with achievement of operating profits
Rp. 983.428.275.


Occupancy rates; forecasting method; characteristic of visitors


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DOI: 10.34203/jimfe.v1i2.560


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