Hamzah Hamzah, Suhendi Suhendi, Agustian Burda



Tujuan penelitian ini yaitu untuk memetakan isu-isu dan perumusan strategi pengembangan kewirausahaan pemuda. Penelitian ini adalah penelitian analisis kebijakan berdasarkan justifikasi pakar. Pakar ditentukan secara sengaja dan merupakan orang kunci, benar-benar faham dan berkontribusi dalam pengembangan kewirausahaan pemuda, serta mewakili dari pemerintah, praktisi, peneliti dan akademisi. Metode penelitian yang digunakan yaitu analisis deskriptif, metode Strategic Assumption Surfacing and Testing (SAST) dan Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa terdapat faktor yang  harus dipertimbangkan dalam menyusun kebijakan pada isu yang dibahas meliputi isu kebijakan terkait peningkatan keterampilan wirausaha pemuda agar berdaya saing; kebijakan kebutuhan database wirausaha secara nasional dan spasial; serta isu kebijakan integrasi pengembangan dan prioritas strategi kebijakan wirausaha di Indonesia. Implikasi dari penelitian ini adalah meningkatkan keterampilan bersaing melalui program yang tepat sasaran dan bantuan modal; koordinasi antar berbagai kementerian dan lembaga; serta membangun database kewirausahaan nasional untuk perumusan dan sinergi kebijakan.


The purpose of this research is to map the issues and formulate a youth entrepreneurship development strategy. This research is a policy analysis research based on expert justification. Experts are determined deliberately and are key people, who really understand and contribute to the development of youth entrepreneurship, as well as representatives from government, practitioners, researchers, and academics. The research method used is descriptive analysis, Strategic Assumption Surfacing and Testing (SAST), and Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) methods. The results of the study indicate that there are factors that must be considered in formulating policies on the issues discussed including policy issues related to improving youth entrepreneurial skills so that they are competitive; policy on the need for databases on national and spatial entrepreneurship; as well as issues of development integration policies and strategic priorities for entrepreneurship in Indonesia. The implication of this research is to improve competitive skills through well-targeted programs and capital assistance; coordination between various ministries and institutions; and building a national entrepreneurship database for policy formulation and synergy.


Analytical Hierarchy Process; daya saing; pemuda; Strategic Assumption Surfacing and Testing; wirausaha; Analytical Hierarchy Process; competitiveness; entrepreneur; Strategic Assumption Surfacing and Testing; youth.


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DOI: 10.34203/jimfe.v9i1.7172


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