Harmon Chaniago


Penelitian ini bertujuan menguji hubungan antara retail mix dan purchase intention konsumen ditengah kondisi ekonomi yang tidak pasti. Analisis difokuskan dari perspektif konsumen. Penelitian yang dilakukan menggunakan metode deskriptif kuantitatif dan sampel diambil secara insidental dilokasi penelitian. Sebagai alat bantu penyebaran kuesioner, digunakan Google Form dan sosial media yang dimiliki konsumen. Total sampel 250 responden/konsumen supermarket dengan kriteria sudah dewasa (di atas 17 tahun), tinggal di Kota Bandung, minimal sudah tiga kali berbelanja di supermarket yang diteliti. Meski situasi penuh ketidakpastian dan persaingan semakin ketat, hasil penelitian membuktikan bahwa retail mix berpengaruh kuat terhadap purchase intention, kombinasi retail mix sangat efektif meningkatkan purchase intention konsumen. Temuan ini berguna bagi para pengusaha dan manajer supermarket dalam menentukan produk yang dijual, harga jual yang tepat, pengembangan proses layanan, peningkatan kualitas produk melalui pemilihan pemasok yang andal serta pengawasan mutu yang ketat. Kedepan, perlu dikembangkan menggunakan multi ritel dan cakupan area penelitian yang lebih luas.

This research aims to examine the relationship between retail mix and consumer purchase intention amidst uncertain economic conditions. The analysis is focused on the consumer perspective. The research was conducted using quantitative descriptive methods and samples were taken incidentally at the research location. As a tool to help distribute questionnaires, Google Forms and social media owned by consumers are used. The total sample was 250 respondents/supermarket consumers with the criteria of being adults (over 17 years), living in Bandung City, and having shopped at least 3 times at the supermarket studied. Even though the situation is full of uncertainty and competition is getting tighter, research results prove that retail mix has a strong influence on purchase intention, the combination of retail mix is very effective in increasing consumer purchase intention. These findings are useful for entrepreneurs and supermarket managers in determining the products to be sold, appropriate selling prices, developing service processes, and improving product quality through selecting reliable suppliers and strict quality control. In the future, it needs to be developed using multiple retailers and covering a wider research area.


Retail mix; purchase intention; covid-19; perspektif konsumen; supermarket; Retail mix, purchase intention, covid-19, consumer perspective, supermarket


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DOI: 10.34203/jimfe.v10i1.7276


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