Module of Renewable Energy from the Earth's Gravity Based on Islam as Teaching Materials for Tadris IPA Study Program

Wiji Aziz Hari Mukti, Abdul Aziz bin Mustamine


Gravity is a renewable energy source that has not been widely studied, although many scientists have researched and made prototypes of tools that use it. This article describes the development of a module of renewable energy from the Earth's gravity based on Islam as teaching material for the Tadris Science study program. This research used Research and Development (R&D) method by Borg and Gall but modified only until the product revision stage. The validation results are 88.3% in the very good category from the material expert, 82.6% in the very good category from the media expert, and 89% in the very good category from the learning expert. This study concludes that students can use the developed product.


Energy; Renewable; Module; Gravity


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