Hari Nur Arif



Penyelenggaraan Jaminan Sosial Tenaga Kerja di Indonesia, pada saat ini dilaksanakan oleh PT Jamsostek, yang diberi hak monopoli sebagai penyelenggara jaminan sosial bagi tenaga kerja seluruh Indonesia. Posisi ini disandang hingga saat ini, meski dalam pelaksanaannya perusahaan ini sering mendapat kecaman, baik terhadap pelayanannya maupun penyalahgunaan dana yang terkumpul, bahkan di saat hembusan angin reformasi melanda Indonesia, Menteri Tenaga Kerja (pada waktu dijabat oleh Fahmi Idris), sempat melontarkan gagasan agar monopoli PT Jamsostek segera dihapuskan, dengan satu-satunya alasan bahwa monopoli adalah buruk.

Kata kunci: Jamsostek, Tenaga kerja, perusahaan.



The implementation of Workers' Social Security in Indonesia, currently carried out by PT Jamsostek, which is given a monopoly right as the organizer of social security for workers throughout Indonesia. This position is held to date, although in its implementation the company has often been criticized, both for its services and the misuse of funds collected, even when the gusts of reformation struck Indonesia, the Minister of Manpower (at the time held by Fahmi Idris), had an idea to PT Jamsostek's monopoly was immediately abolished, with the only reason that monopoly was bad.

Keywords: Social Security, Labor, companies.

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DOI: 10.33751/palar.v1i2.931 Abstract views : 519 views : 250


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